88 research outputs found

    Plongement de métrique pour le calcul de similarité sémantique à l'échelle

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    National audiencePlongement de métrique pour le calcul de similarité sémantique à l'échelle Résumé. In this paper, we explore the embedding of the shortest-path metrics from a knowledge base (Wordnet) into the Hamming hypercube, in order to enhance the computation performance. We show that, although an isometric embedding is untractable, it is possible to achieve good non-isometric embeddings. We report a speedup of three orders of magnitude for the task of computing Leacock and Chodorow (LCH) similarities while keeping strong correlations

    Extraction de commentaires utilisateurs sur le Web

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    National audienceDans cet article, nous présentons CommentsMiner, une solution d'ex-traction non supervisée pour l'extraction de commentaires utilisateurs. Notre approche se base sur une combinaison de techniques de fouille de sous-arbres fréquents, d'extraction de données et d'apprentissage de classement. Nos expéri-mentations montrent que CommentsMiner permet de résoudre le problÚme d'ex-traction de commentaires sur 84% d'un jeu de données représentatif et publique-ment accessible, loin devant les techniques existantes d'extraction

    Mining user-generated comments

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    International audience—Social-media websites, such as newspapers, blogs, and forums, are the main places of generation and exchange of user-generated comments. These comments are viable sources for opinion mining, descriptive annotations and information extraction. User-generated comments are formatted using a HTML template, they are therefore entwined with the other information in the HTML document. Their unsupervised extraction is thus a taxing issue – even greater when considering the extraction of nested answers by different users. This paper presents a novel technique (CommentsMiner) for unsupervised users comments extraction. Our approach uses both the theoretical framework of frequent subtree mining and data extraction techniques. We demonstrate that the comment mining task can be modelled as a constrained closed induced subtree mining problem followed by a learning-to-rank problem. Our experimental evaluations show that CommentsMiner solves the plain comments and nested comments extraction problems for 84% of a representative and accessible dataset, while outperforming existing baselines techniques

    Slider : un Raisonneur IncrĂ©mental Évolutif

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    National audienceThe main drawbacks of current reasoning methods over ontologies are they struggle to provide scalability for large datasets. The batch processing reasoners who provide the best scalability so far are unable to infer knowledge from evolving data. We contribute to solving these problems by introducing Slider, an efficient incremental reasoner. Slider exhibits a performance improvement by more than a 70% compared to the OWLIM-SE reasoner. Slider is conceived to handle expanding data from streams with a growing background knowledge base. It natively supports ρdf and RDFS, and its architecture allows to extend it to more complex fragments with a minimal effort.Les solutions existantes pour le raisonnement incrĂ©mental souffrent principalement de leur incapacitĂ© Ă  prendre en charge des ontologies complexes et ne sont pas conçues pour gĂ©rer de grandes quantitĂ©s de connaissances. Dans cet article, nous prĂ©sentons Slider (Chevalier et al. (2015)), un raisonneur incrĂ©mental Ă©volutif par chaĂźnage avant, permettant de raisonner sur des flux de donnĂ©es sĂ©mantiques

    C3PO: A Network and Application Framework for Spontaneous and Ephemeral Social Networks

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    International audienceThe C3PO project promotes the development of new kind of social networks called Spontaneous and Ephemeral Social Networks (SESNs) dedicated to happenings such as cultural or sport events. SESNs rely on both opportunistic networks formed dynamically by the mobile devices of event attendees, and on an event-based communication model. Therefore, user can exchange digital contents with the other members of their SESNs, even without Internet access. This paper presents the framework developed in the C3PO project to provide network and application supports in such challenged networks. This framework exploits the different wireless interfaces of the mobile devices to interconnect them and to disseminate content through the resulting opportunistic network. At the application layer, this framework is composed of plugins that process locally the data stream to offer generic features, or to easily build applications dedicated to specific happenings

    Increased adipose tissue indices of androgen catabolism and aromatization in women with metabolic dysfunction

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    Abstract Background Body fat distribution is a risk factor for obesity-associated comorbidities, and adipose tissue dysfunction plays a role in this association. In humans, there is a sex difference in body fat distribution, and steroid hormones are known to regulate several cellular processes within adipose tissue. Our aim was to investigate if intra-adipose steroid concentration and expression or activity of steroidogenic enzymes were associated with features of adipose tissue dysfunction in individuals with severe obesity. Methods Samples from 40 bariatric candidates (31 women, 9 men) were included in the study. Visceral (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) were collected during surgery. Adipose tissue morphology was measured by a combination of histological staining and semi-automated quantification. Following extraction, intra-adipose and plasma steroid concentrations were determined by liquid chromatography, electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). Aromatase activity was estimated using product-over-substrate ratio, while AKR1C2 activity was measured directly by fluorogenic probe. Gene expression was measured by quantitative PCR. Results VAT aromatase activity was positively associated with VAT adipocyte hypertrophy (p-valueadj < 0.01) and negatively with plasma HDL-cholesterol (p-valueadj < 0.01), while SAT aromatase activity predicted dyslipidemia in women even after adjustment for waist circumference, age and hormonal contraceptive use. We additionally compared women with high and low visceral adiposity index (VAI) and found that VAT excess is characterized by adipose tissue dysfunction, increased androgen catabolism mirrored by increased AKR1C2 activity and higher aromatase expression and activity indices. Conclusion In women, increased androgen catabolism or aromatization is associated with visceral adiposity and adipose tissue dysfunction

    Interfaces adaptatives

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    National audienceDans cet article, nous prĂ©sentons les rĂ©sultats du projet SEFAGI (Simple Environment For Adaptable Graphical user Interfaces) dont l’objectif est de fournir un outil de gĂ©nĂ©ration automatique du code des interfaces graphiques d’un systĂšme d’information, pour diffĂ©rents types de terminaux, qu’ils soient fixes ou mobiles. Cette gĂ©nĂ©ration automatique se fonde sur une description des fenĂȘtres dĂ©sirĂ©es, indĂ©pendamment des terminaux cibles. La description est faite par un utilisateur non informaticien mais connaissant les services offerts par le systĂšme d’information ; elle est outillĂ©e d’un assistant interactif qui guide l’utilisateur dans sa description, en lui fournissant la liste des services disponibles et les diffĂ©rentes formes d’interaction disponibles. Le gĂ©nĂ©rateur construit alors automatiquement le code des fenĂȘtres dĂ©crites, pour le(s) type(s) de terminal dĂ©sirĂ©(s)

    De l'adaptation Ă  la prise en compte du contexte : une contribution aux systĂšmes d'information pervasifs

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    L'apparition des terminaux mobiles intelligents a fait Ă©voluer considĂ©rablement le rapport de l'humain Ă  l'outil informatique. Le terminal mobile est considĂ©rĂ© comme un nouveau composant de l'architecture des systĂšmes d'information, et les nouvelles conditions d'usage induites forment le socle des systĂšmes d'information pervasifs. L'objectif premier d'un systĂšme pervasif est de permettre de rĂ©pondre au besoin de l'utilisateur oĂč qu'il se trouve et Ă  n'importe quel moment. Les maĂźtres mots des systĂšmes pervasifs sont : sensibilitĂ© au contexte, smartness, scalabilitĂ©, invisibilitĂ© et pro-action. Tous ces mots-clĂ©s sous-tendent des procĂ©dures d'adaptation. La sensibilitĂ© au contexte permet de fournir les informations impulsant l'adaptation. Smartness et invisibilitĂ© sont des contraintes Ă  appliquer entre autres Ă  l'adaptation. La pro-action a pour but de prĂ©voir les services et donnĂ©es qui seront nĂ©cessaires ; c'est une forme adaptation prĂ©visionnelle. Nos travaux concernent principalement l'accĂšs adaptatif aux informations.\\ Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s aux documents comme paradigme d'interaction avec l'utilisateur. Cette approche nous a permis de ne plus restreindre le document Ă  un seul outil de consultation de l'information, mais de l'Ă©tendre selon trois directions : saisie souple d'informations sous forme semi-libre, recherche de documents, et partage de documents. La saisie et le partage de documents ont Ă©tĂ© associĂ©s Ă  des principes d'extraction et de structuration de donnĂ©es pertinentes, permettant une recherche d'informations Ă  la SQL. La saisie et le partage de documents ont Ă©tĂ© associĂ©s Ă  des principes d'extraction et de structuration de donnĂ©es pertinentes, permettant une recherche d'informations Ă  la SQL.\\ Dans un second temps, nous avons travaillĂ© plus spĂ©cifiquement sur l'accĂšs adaptatif aux donnĂ©es dans des systĂšmes pervasifs. Nous avons abordĂ© l'adaptation d'interfaces graphiques Ă  des terminaux multiples et la personnalisation des interfaces. Nous avons ensuite Ă©tudiĂ© l'adaptation dans le cadre plus gĂ©nĂ©ral de la sensibilitĂ© au contexte, en proposant une mĂ©thode et une plate-forme pour l'adaptation d'applications legacy sur leurs dimensions interfaces graphiques, donnĂ©es et services. \\ Ce mĂ©moire rĂ©sume mon activitĂ© de recherche sur l'adaptation et les systĂšmes pervasifs durant une dizaine d'annĂ©es. Il couvre le travail de plusieurs doctorants et de nombreux Ă©tudiants de master

    Real-Time, Scalable, Content-based Twitter users recommendation

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    International audienceReal-time recommendation of Twitter users based on the content of their profiles is a very challenging task. Traditional IR methods such as TF-IDF fail to handle efficiently large datasets. In this paper we present a scalable approach that allows real time recommendation of users based on their tweets. Our model builds a graph of terms, driven by the fact that users sharing similar interests will share similar terms. We show how this model can be encoded as a compact binary footprint, that allows very fast comparison and ranking, taking full advantage of modern CPU architectures. We validate our approach through an empirical evaluation against the Apache Lucene's implementation of TF-IDF. We show that our approach is in average two hundred times faster than standard optimized implementation of TF-IDF with a precision of 58 %

    Génération et adaptation automatiques des interfaces utilisateurs pour des environnements multi-terminaux : Le projet SEFAGI : Simple Environment For Adaptable Graphical Interfaces

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    National audienceThe SEFAGI project (Simple Environment For Adaptable Graphical Interfaces) is interested in designing an architecture to adapt applications to multi-terminal environments. We have a double objective: we aim at (i) allowing end-users describe the user interfaces they need, and entirely generate the corresponding code and (ii) make code generation adaptable to any kind of terminal. It has to provide interactions between graphical components and several types of distant services (mathematical computing, database update, image download...) and to make several adaptations at different levels. We have specified, designed and developed a complete platform that has allowed us to validate the principles of our proposal.Le projet SEFAGI (Simple Environment For Adaptable Graphical Interfaces) s'intéresse à l'adaptation des applications à des environnements multiterminaux. Notre objectif est double : nous voulons (i) permettre à l'utilisateur final (ou à un utilisateurconcepteur) de décrire ses interfaces, et lui générer entiÚrement le code correspondant et (ii) rendre la génération du code de l'interface adaptable à tous types de terminaux. Ces interfaces doivent interagir avec des traitements distants variés (calculs mathématiques, mise à jour d'une base de données, téléchargement d'une image...). Ceci inclut la gestion des interactions entre composants graphiques et services distants, ainsi que la mise en place d'adaptations à différents niveaux. Nous avons spécifié, conçu et développé une plate-forme complÚte qui nous a permis de valider les principes élaborés dans ce travail
